Having four children the same age sometimes means some things slide a bit. There are times when I get a glance of their fingernails and realize it's been WAY too long since their last clipping or better yet it takes them saying "What?" WAY too many times for me to get that I may not have cleaned their ears out this month let alone this millennium.. (The ear wax they create can be quite DISGUSTING!). Well, today I took a good look at Camryn's teeth, I mean a really good look. This girl has only lost TWO teeth &there's not a loose tooth in sight. She is almost seven and a half, something just does not seem right with that. Upon further observation the mommy in me realized two things, First thing being that this girl has a small mouth even though she runs it WAY too often! ha! & second thing being she is most likely going to need braces. There does not seem to be very much room in that mouth for her big teeth to grow into. So I proceed to say "Cami I think you are going to get braces". She replies "Ooh I want bracelets". At first I was not quite sure if she heard me or better yet even knew what "braces" were. So I repeat myself, "You might need BRACES". That's when she replied like I thought she should have by saying "Oh what's that Mommy?". I tell her it's something that widens your smile and straightens your teeth. Little did she know that I once wished I could get braces but the dentist told my mom that my teeth would straighten out on their own.There's just something about a mouth full of metal. ha! It sure would be nice and a whole lot cheaper if it was...
just bracelets...