Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Those are my big girl panties!...

Oh I am trying my hand at potty training the tribe AGAIN. Yes I am a glutton for punishment! Some days they oblige me & want to do it other days they want NO part of it! They even got some new training pants from Santa! {hint, hint!} They apparently did not get the memo from Santa saying that he wanted them to give up diapers! LOL! How exactly do you potty train FOUR children of the same age at the same time? HELP! I do not think I have enough energy or patience to survive this phase of their life! sigh...

When it is a bad day they only want diapers. They make sure & tell me "No panties". Then on a good day they will want to wear the training pants I give them & on even a better day they want their "big girl" panties. WOO HOO! We inherited quite a few pairs from their cousin & they love wearing them. Before you even ask Brendan has Transformer ones! LOL! They have even taken to wearing certain pairs, like they don't want to share. Oh No! Just the other day I heard Camryn from across the room yelling at Avery...

Those are my BIG girl panties!...


Do NOT copy!