Friday, January 21, 2011


We went on an ADVENTURE for the tribes 4th birthday! We took them to Lion Country Safari {LCS}! This wildlife refuge is situated out in the middle of the woods in western West Palm Beach! For those who do not know where that is just think of the "hanging chad" from the 2000 elections & it's about 15 miles west of where that all took place! LOL! This place is SO cool! You get to drive out amongst the animals, play in a kid friendly amusement park & even feed giraffes! Yes we fed a giraffe!! What made this adventure even better was that it happens to be out in our neck of the woods! WAhHOo! The MOPS {Mothers of Preschoolers} group we are part of had their annual LCS trip on of all days the tribes birthday so we just had to go! We even met up with a few friends to make our adventure even better!

First thing we went on was the safari! You drive thru in your own vehicle as the animals wander about. Sometimes you get stuck because they decide to walk right in front of your car & decide to stay there! =] But the best part of having that happen is that you get up close & personal with them & get great pics!! LCS has all kinds of animals wandering around on their refuge. There were antelopes, water buffalo, monkeys, rhinos, giraffes & even a few lions! I'm sure that I omitted a few, heck probably a BUNCH, of the animals that reside there but you get my drift, they have pretty much EVERY animal with the exception of a Panda, much to Lindsey's chagrin! LOL! Below are pictures of our African Safari adventure...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

restored my faith in humanity...

The other night Grandma & I decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner as a treat & to celebrate the tribes upcoming 4th Birthday in one fell swoop. Money is EXTREMELY tight around here but we had a few gift cards & Grandma LOVES to eat there so off we went. We were lucky to get Daddy & Uncle Bob to meet us there. This was NOT our first time going to this particular one in fact the wait staff knew us pretty well. Heck who else around has quadruplets running around?!. They could not get over how much they had grown especially since they would be turning 4 in a few short days! My how time flies!

When we go out anywhere if we have enough BIG people with us we will separate each child with a BIG person, that way they are separated so no one fights. (Usually this works! =]) This time we had just enough to seat two in the middle of the table & the other two at each end. I thought it would be perfect, they'd be spread out but no, they ALL wanted to sit next to their Uncle Bob. In the end only the "good" one's had that priviledge! Let's just say Camryn was NOT one of the chosen ones that night! She was ALL over the place, sitting on the table was the last straw! So she had the good fortune of sitting next to her Daddy & FAR away from me since I was not happy with her behavior. Their Daddy seems to have a way of keeping them in line that this Mommy will never get! Maybe one day! LOL!

As we sat there looking over the menu a few of our previous waiters came by & chatted with us. I would have to say that they see us about every other month. Once they found out we were there to celebrate their birthday they said we needed to get them some dessert. I told them only if they were good. I must have seemed like a MEAN mommy but I just cannot see rewarding BAD behavior even if it is their birthday celebration. I mean we are out at a restaurant & other people are trying to have a good time too! So I feel that they should be on their BEST behavior! You have to be consistent at least that's what I tell myself! LOL! I do have to say that the thought of possibly getting a slice of chocolate cake that night made their behavior get a little better.

Just as we were about to get our dinner a older woman & her husband approached us as they were leaving. She said she had heard that they would be celebrating their birthday soon & she wanted us to buy them each an ice cream or something then handed me four 5 dollar bills. I was so thankful for her generosity. What a nice thing to do for a struggling family of 7! We worry about how we are going to pay for pretty much everything & a total stranger gave us $ to spend on them! How AWESOME is that?! Her husband was funny, he said she doesn't even give me that for my birthday! Whatever compelled her to do that I am grateful! Her gesture totally...

restored my faith in humanity...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

the year of OUR blog...

I know that lately I have been one MAJOR slacker! These past few weeks, ok months, I have let my passion for writing slide. I have let other WAY too many things come before capturing moments for posterity! hehee! The tribe is at such a fun age, chatting each other up & where have I been?! I can tell you where I've been, M I A! Well I am here to say "I AM BACK!". Since they give me such great material I am going to be sharing quite a lot! =] SO Look out because 2011 is going to be...

the year of OUR blog...

Do NOT copy!