Sunday, August 31, 2008

irish eyes were smiling....

Yesterday we went "out" for the first time in quite a LONG time. It was my cousin Patty's 50th birthday & they had a blow out bash for her at an Irish pub. Patty's Dad, Uncle Nelson, is my mom's brother. Her mom, my Aunt Pat, might as well be a leprechaun because she is SO Irish. To have the party at an Irish pub was very fitting! We were VERY lucky to have "Auntie Debbie & Karen" come over to watch them so we could actually celebrate with her. THANK YOU GUYS!!! I worked till 6, rushed home & left with no time to spare. It was SO nice chatting with my relatives & some new found friends. Ever since we have had the babies we have been blessed with "new" friends who have watched our children's growth. They became sort of celebrities once their commercial for St Mary's NICU aired. It is so nice to see that they have "fans" out there. hehee! I spent the evening eating Irish fare, having my Black and Tan & chatting away. It was like a Reunion, aka a "cousins party" like we used to have. Most of my relatives live in S Florida so it was great seeing them all! My cousin Richard, a Realtor, is going to help us find a BIGGER house. I love when family helps family! YAY! & cosuins Monika and Don who have a four year old son & 2 1/2 year old daughter brought us TONS of hand me downs! It was like Christmas in August! I LOVE hand me downs!! (= AGAIN we are SO blessed! We left the party happy & excited about what the future may hold for us! I really do feel that all the bumps in our journey are leading us towards the path God has for us! There really is a reason for EVERYTHING! Well, we arrived to a quiet home, the babies were fast asleep. A good sound to come home to! I asked if the babies were good, Did they eat all their food, drink all of their bottles, etc. They told us they were very entertaining. Yes, that they are!! They said that they told them it was bed time around 8pm & they just followed one another into their room. Then they gave them their bottles, IN BED! Debbie said each one of them took their bottle & they laid right down to drink it. I laughed so hard when she told me this because they NEVER get their bottles in bed! Well after hearing this I decide I better go check on them to see if the bottles were strewn all over OR if there was puddles of milk on their floor. They were fast asleep & low & behold Camryn, Brendan & Lindsey drank EVERY ounce of their bottle & Avery had half left! Those little stinkers! I am sure they thought this was a cool thing to have their bottles in bed and probably hope Mommy & Daddy go out more often! hahah! After retrieving their bottles I go back to show Debbie & Karen who were now watching the end of a Sandra Bullock movie (I just love her!). They thought it was funny too! (We still love you guys! (= ) I decided to pull out all the bags of hand me downs so I could sort through them & we all watched the rest of the movie. Debbie's hubby was not too happy that she was late coming home. Sorry Jim! (= AGAIN I have to say how we are SO blessed to have such WONDERFUL people in our lives! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Each and every day that people ask me how I do it I remember each of these "moments". It is because of great people that have "adopted" us that help me in this journey! After quite an evening I really do think that....

Irish eyes were smiling....


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