Saturday, May 16, 2009

sunny day...

Looks like today may actually be SUNNY! The weatherman had previously said there was a high chance of rain BUT by looking outside there is some MAJOR sun! I am SO psyched! Another reason for celebrating is that I have the day off for a change! WOO HOO! Nothing like having a day off & being cooped up inside due to the weather! Our cousin Denver, aka Denny, invited us to celebrate his 5th birthday at a local water park. This will be a FIRST for the "tribe". They have never been to a water park before & I know that they will LOVE it! I on the other hand am both looking forward to it & freaking out at the same time! LOL! From what I have been told that the water is only knee high. The "twins", aka Avery & Linz, are who I am mostly worried about. They LOVE anything to do with water! They also think they can swim. I know I know this is a BIG problem! But I have had a time trying to get them swimming lessons by myself. It's either TOO expensive or most places require EXTRA hands for each kid & we just do not have that! Anyhow I am looking forward to a great SUNNY day spent with family & friends! I'll try to post some pic's if I get any! (= Oh...

sunny day...


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