Thursday, February 11, 2010

my ear hurts mommy...

These are the words that have spread like wild fire across this house the past two weeks. It seems that just when we get a child well another one gets sick. sigh... Yes two of them had ear infections at different times but are they really getting each other sick? I mean an ear infection is not contagious. One child said their ear hurt & after being checked it was A OK. SO what is this mommy to think? The minute they said "I want to go to the Doctor Mommy", I got suspicious. You see most children do NOT like going to the Doctor even if they are under the weather. I started thinking of what they LOVED about their Pediatricians office. Here's the list I compiled...

1. She is one of the nicest Doctors we know. She's always explaining what she is doing so not freak them out.

2. She has a HUGE chalkboard painted on the wall in the waiting room for them to draw on. VERY cool! Check out the person Cam drew!

3. They give out stickers & lollipops after each appointment. Who wouldn't LOVE that!

That's it!! It has to be the lollipops! No child can pass up a goody! (= Not that they don't love Dr Mahoney but I really do think they like getting the treat! Hmm... I think I am going to pay closer attention the next time they say...

my ear hurts mommy...


The Cochran Crew said...

Precious!!! They look so grown in these pictures~

Do NOT copy!