Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wanna see my Woody?...

Oh what I would give to have a picture or better yet a video of what happened the other night in our living room! You see we were all sitting down before bed to watch their "show", each of them drinking their sippies full of chocolate milk when I hear Brendan say "Lindsey wanna see my Woody?". I just about died! You see we have continually had the discussion about how boys are different than girls.I mean they do take a bath together and see their differences up front & in the flesh! SO I started talking about body parts. My hubby does not necessarily enjoy this topic of discussion however I would much rather teach them about their body parts than to have them check them out on someone else! So ever since we had that first talk they would read off a sort of "list" of who had a penis & who had a "coochie". Again I know "coochie" is not the right terminology but it works for us! [= They will even say boys have penises & girls have coochies. Then they start naming all the people they know who are boys & then who are girls. Usually it's everyone in our families and then they are done. We have NEVER, EVER even mentioned the word "Woody". SO you can almost imagine how shocked I was to hear Brendan say that to his sister! After my shock wore off I deceided I better not jump to conclusions so I looked at both of them to see what was really going on. That's when Brendan proceeds to pull down his pajama pants, point to the picture of Woody on his "Toy Story" Pull Ups & says Lindsey...

Wanna see my Woody?...


Do NOT copy!