Saturday, October 9, 2010

the chosen one...

Yesterday on my way home from work I decided to pick up ONE child from school. Since I was driving Daddy's pickup {FYI something I MAJORLY dislike driving!} I thought why not stop by their school & pick someone up. I have only one car seat so which child would it be? I try my darnedest to make it fair so each child gets their "special time" with me. I think I cause myself more grief than the grief I will get from them when I don't choose them! LOL! There I was actually thinking about who rode with me last, who gets to miss school more often due to Doctor appointments, heck I even thought of who sat in the "front seat" this morning so I was being COMPLETELY fair! LOL!  I think it wasn't until I rounded the corner into their school did I make my FINAL decision. Can you guess who was...

the chosen one?...


Do NOT copy!