Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute...

Ok I want EVERYONE to be in the know about my friend Jen. She does not have a blog but is just as busy. I met her just over a year ago when I joined our local MOM's club. She happens to live ALL the way out near me. If you knew where I lived you'd understand how exciting that was to me! I live in the middle of no where! I did not think anyone could live further west than me but she beats me by about 4 blocks! LOL! Jen is the mommy of 3 girls; ages 5, 3, 1 & a has baby BOY on the way! WOO HOO! BTW, they all have birthday's in August. COOL huh!? She is THEE most active mommy I know. She attends SO many events, activities, play dates, socials, MOPS programs, etc. She even host's! PLUS she keeps her house clean! I need to get some pointers on how she does it! She is my HERO! Once when we were over her house one of my children almost wiped off part of her dry erase board that she keeps every activity posted on her fridge. This "calendar" has EVERYTHING for each child written down in different colors. I FREAKED! She did not fret! She had the BEST attitude. I wish that she could rub off on me! No pun intended! She needs some major KUDO's for being such a GREAT mom & friend! She's my...

Tuesday's Tribute...

Tuesday's Tribute


Muthering Heights said...

What a sweet tribute! I hope she gets to read it!

Do NOT copy!