Tuesday, November 18, 2008

22 months and a day...

Ok yesterday was their "22 month birthday". We celebrate every month and continue the count down to the ripe age of 2! However yesterday was anything less than exciting. The babies had their annual appt with their pediatric opthamalogist. They do not like going to any Doctor so I do not know what I was thinking when we planned this! I made sure I had enough extra hands for each child. My Aunt Pat & Aunt Donna met my mom & I at the Doctor's office. It started out good, the babies played ALL over the waiting room. This was the first time we actually had to wait in their waiting room. Normally they usher us to a back room to get settled. I guess we are moving up in the world and do not have to worry about catching cooties from other patients. So there we were out amongst the people. They started grabbing books from other kids, made some attempts to "introduce" themselves & they even tried to take a "look see" into another mom's purse. They are WILD! One funny moment came when my Aunt Pat & this other mommy were showing this book to them. There was a page that had a monkey on it. So Aunt Pat says where is the monkey? My sweet little Avery then proudly points to herself! haha! I guess she has been told one too many times that she's a monkey & it set in! What am I going to do with her!? This stage of their life is VERY busy! I feel like I run a marathon every day. It seems like my house is alway's a mess & VERY unorganized! I feel terrible inviting anyone over. Oh to have an ORGANIZED & CLEAN home! ahhh! I have said in the past that I could not wait till they walked & talked. Look at them now!! They are all over the place! Maybe I should retract the statement about wanting them to carry on a conversation with me. Maybe I should appreciate the lack of conversations a little while longer. Especially since they are just...

22 months and a day...


jag said...

I'm exhausted just reading about your day! We're actually heading the opthamologist tomorrow. We still get to dodge the playroom because they're so young, but I'm sure it will be crazy when they are big enough to mingle. If you guys ever come visit your relative in our neck of the woods we're going to need to get together. Take care!

Christy said...

I loved this story! I just can't even imagine how you keep up! I feel bad for saying that as I hear that all the time with the twins... but seriously... my two are wild as well and I can't imagine having 2 more! LOL
I gave up on my house... one day maybe it will be clean and organized. Then I will be sad that I don't have little ones running all over!
Sure sounds like the Quads had lots of fun though! I love how they tried to "introduce" themselves! How cute!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

happy 22 months!

Do NOT copy!