Saturday, November 15, 2008

the search for the PERFECT sippy cup...

Ever since these children of ours have been off their bottles I have been on "the search". I dislike leaky sippy cups just as much as I disliked leaky bottles! It is an even BIGGER mess when you have four babies to tend to. SO I was on a "mission" to solve this problem. My mother thinks I am crazy over how many sippy cups we have gone through! It has been an expensive task but one that I intend to tackle! We have gone through the Playtex one's that have a handle on each side. Those lasted the longest but then they literally ate through the spouts! It looked like I was raising animals! So I switched to the ones that were taller with no handles. Those did not go over so well. They liked the handles. Then I decided to try the ones that have straws since they LOVE straws. We had two different sets, one set for milk & one set for their water/juice. Well the 2nd set had these little covers that broke when they'd throw them on the floor. It was TERRIBLE! We had broken off plastic pieces EVERYWHERE! Forget about the thought of the straws being good & that it would prepare them for regular drinks when we went out. Those leaked even more than the ones that they ate through. I seemed to be cleaning up spills ALL DAY LONG! I just could not take it! So I continued my search. The latest sippy we have tried is the Playtex Coolster. I must say so far that this is "thee" cup. I may have to fix the valve from time to time but so far NO leaks! This coming from a mom of quadruplets is a true testiment of the quality of the product! They have a vast array of colors so each child can get "their" color. Well sort of. Camryn's is now orange instead of yellow & everyone seems to want that color too! Who would have thought orange would be the new pink! LOL! I am just happy to have ended...

the search for the PERFECT sippy cup...


Christy said...

I am constantly in search of the best sippy cup as well! Playtex is my favorite. My twins ate through the spouts on the playtex handle ones as well! Their new trick now is to take a sip, hold it in their mouth for a second and then let it dribble all out on to the floor! So, no mess from the sippies... just the toddlers in control of them!

Anonymous said...

I have some of those Playtex ones in the cabinet that were never used... I know where to send them now! YAY!

Anonymous said...

I know Jen Murray (4Tunate) did the same kind of post... Just the matter of looking back in the archives! Your kids are adorable!!


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