Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Grandma the snake slayer...

We had an "incident" the other day & it all started with our normal morning ritual. You see we are what you would call "newspaper people". We HAVE to read the paper each morning to feel that we know what is going on in the world. This practice has gone on for ages & I must say that my parents have rubbed off on me because I now read the same exact sections of the paper that they do or did. One of the first sections we read is the Local section to see what happened in and around our city & especially to see who died. Yep, we read the obituaries! Morbid I know but when you have lived in one place as long as my parents have you are bound to know someone. Never saw anyone my age UNTIL I saw the name of a former classmate listed. He was ONLY 22 years old! CRAZY! Anyhow this was a long standing ritual & there Grandma was beginning her day as she always did, getting the newspaper. There she was walking toward the yard when she kicked what she thought was one of the tribes toys. Don't know exactly what toy she "thought" would be laying like a rope in the middle of the walkway but this was HER story. She tells the tale that she kicked the "toy" & went on to pick up the paper. She NEVER looked at what she kicked because it was TOO dark. You know how Grandma's wake up BEFORE the crack of dawn! LOL! She walked back inside, continued her daily ritual, sipped on her cup of BLACK coffee & read the news of the day. It was not until I went out several hours later to get the mail did we realize what "toy" she kicked! There laying in the middle of my path to the mailbox was a VERY much DEAD snake apparently killed by major blunt force trauma! ha! Grandma has since said if she would have seen that it was a snake there would be no story to tell because instead of kicking it she would have ran FAR FAR away! She is completely afraid of all slithery creatures! Little does she know that after that one small feat she is now known as...

Grandma the snake slayer...


Do NOT copy!