Tuesday, October 6, 2009

standing room only...

These children of ours LOVE watching me change their diapers! When anyone even mentions that they have a poopie they will all get up from whatever they are doing, run ahead of me & then gather in their room. The first one in is usually the one with the poopie. They climb up onto the changing table & get ready for me to change their dirty deed. The funny part is that they don't fight over being FIRST it is 2nd place that they all want! They want to be the one to stand on the diaper pail placed strategically at the end of the changing table that gives them their "perfect" view. Little did I know that where I placed their diaper pail would create such drama! The new configuration is due to them using their changing table as a means to get to the other side of the room during nap time. SO mommy put the darn thing in the middle of the room to curb that! It amazes me how amazed they are to check out their own poop! I cannot tell you how many times they say "See it", CRAZY! Nothing like checking out one of the grossest functions your body creates! When Dr Oz said you should check out your poop I do not think he meant this! hahah! Oh the things that amaze these children of ours! They can make even a normal activity exciting! And to think this all started by fighting over...

standing room only...


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