Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hi Daddy... Hi Daddy... Hi Daddy...

This is Avery's FAVORITE saying. She just ADORES her Daddy & each & every night when he comes home this is what she says to him. The funny part is that she will try & look him in the eyes as he is cleaning up the kitchen saying "Hi Daddy... Hi Daddy..." CONSTANTLY! He will say "Hi" back to her but that is not enough. She must love hearing her voice. I wonder where she gets that from!? LOL! It is SO cute but it does get old sometimes. I will then repeat "Hi Avery.. Hi Avery... Hi Avery..." back to her & she just smiles! She is such a fiesty one but SO adorable & I love her so! Some days I just look at her & anticipate how much trouble she will give me once she gets to be a teenager! Oh I cannot wait! Ha! For now we have her little quirks, her stubborness & her...

Hi Daddy... Hi Daddy... Hi Daddy...


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